Insights and Strategies for Sustainable Transformations and Digital Excellence

Financial Cloud Technology boosts FinTech

Financial Cloud Technology Booming

You can thank Amazon for your more personalized, flexible, fast, and reliable financial cloud technology. Not because they are delivering the end products you enjoy from notable FinTech startups such as Strip and robo-advisor...

Cloud adoption by banks like JPM Chase could influence stock valuations

Cloud Adoption by Banks Too Slow?

Cloud adoption by banks has trailed other industries, but does JPMorgan’s recent touting of benefits gained from the cloud signal another future breakout for the stock? In his annual letter to shareholders (April 4,...

collaboration and diversity create success

Collaboration and Diversity

Collaboration and diversity are key to success, but many times these values are used more as buzzwords and/or published hiring statistics than they are pursued passionately by those espousing them. According to research from...

workforce leadership is complex

Dynamics of Complex Systems

So what are characteristics of complex systems? They have many moving parts, and many connections exist between the parts–some known and some not known. Small changes can ripple across connections and create outcomes and...

When leaders don't let go of the ball they fail

Transformational Leaders Let Go of the Ball

Transformations involve major shifts in an organization’s capabilities and culture in order to deliver improved sustainable results, with the goal of developing an ongoing mastery of change and adaptability. Successful transformations may be relatively...

the adaptable mind curiosity creativity initiative multi-disciplinary thinking empathy

The Adaptable Leader

Editor’s Note: Very good article guiding leaders and managers on being adaptable. There has been a lot of discussion on employees needing to be more adaptive to change, but leaders/managers can stifle creativity and...

JaVale McGee kisses fan after saving a ball

Leaders Focus On Their People

Genuine champions like JaVale McGee know that it’s the supporters (in his case fans) who give them a chance to shine. Leaders in business do the same. Walt Bettinger, CEO of Charles Schwab, learned...

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