Dynamics of Complex Systems

So what are characteristics of complex systems? They have many moving parts, and many connections exist between the parts–some known and some not known.

Small changes can ripple across connections and create outcomes and changes that were completely unexpected. The actions of team members themselves are part of the complex systems. Simply by interacting with a complex system we can change its dynamic and ultimately its effectiveness.

We can participate in the system and observe its reaction, and then manage toward desired outcomes, but complex systems are inherently resistant to tight-fisted control.

Too many transformation efforts fail to take into account complexities such as workforces—leaving them exposed, and potentially requiring a miracle within system mappings often created to assist in change. However, when paired with employee engagement and prototyped iterative change, you can address these unforeseen dynamics of (including your workforce) before they reach critical mass.

Workforce leadership is not complicated–IT’S COMPLEX. Complex systems include variances you cannot predict how, when, why, or where they will occur. Knowing that they can and will, and creating feedback loops that help you respond quickly is the key to transitioning a company’s culture and/or core competencies.

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